If a data jack is not working that you want to be working you can contact the Faculty/Staff Support Desk (413-597-4090) or submit a Web HelpDesk ticket
You will need to supply the following information to activate a jack:
- Building
- Room #
- Data Jack #
- Full Name – Full name of the person that will be using the data jack
- Phone – Phone number if there are any questions about this request
- Availability – availability for us to have access to room (date/time)
- Restriction – any special restrictions on when the work can be done
We ask that you plan ahead, if you think you want a data jack active give us a few days notice. We believe, based on our normal workloads, we will be able to make a data jack active within 2-3 business days after receiving the request (often we will be able to get this done more quickly).