Appointment Scheduling Tools

GLOW Calendar

  • A: Click the Calendar link in Global Navigation, then select your courses under "CALENDARS [4]" on the right, then, click the Add Event icon (+) [3].


    Open Appointment Group

    Open Appointment Group

    Click the Appointment Group tab.

    Create Name and Location

    Create Name and Location

    Type the name of the appointment in the name field [1]. Type the location of the appointment in the location field [2].

    Select Calendars

    Select Calendars

    Click the Select Calendars button [1]. Select the course(s) or section(s) where you want to show the appointment group [2]. To close the Calendar list, click the Done button [3].

    Note: The calendar cannot be modified once the appointment group is saved. However, additional calendars can be added to the original appointment group.

    Allow Group Signup

    Allow Group Signup

    If you have created at least one group set in your course, you can have students sign up in groups by clicking the Have students sign up in groups checkbox [1]. Then select the name of the group category you want to use for the group signup [2].

    Note: The groups option is only available if you previously selected the calendar for the entire course. You cannot select a calendar for a specific section because GLOW does not currently support sections in groups.

    Set Appointment Time Range

    Set Appointment Time Range

    In the date field [1], enter the date of the appointment. You can also select a date by clicking the Calendar icon.

    Set the time range for the appointment by typing in the time range field [2]. You must include at least one time slot.

    You can split the time range into multiple time slots by entering the division time into the time field [3]. For instance, if you want to create 15-minute meeting times from 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm, enter the number 15.

    To create the time slots, click the Go button [4].

    Modify Appointment Times

    Modify Appointment Times

    You can manually change any appointment time created by the division. If you want to remove an appointment time, click the Remove icon.


    • The appointment date, time range, and appointment slots cannot be modified after the appointment group is saved. However, additional dates, time ranges, and appointment slots can be added to the original appointment group.
    • You must create at least one time slot for each appointment group.

    Set Appointment Options

    Set Appointment Options

    You can limit how many users can sign up for a time slot by clicking the Limit each time slot checkbox and typing the number of time slots in the limit field [1]. If you selected the option to have students sign up in groups, this field reads as Limit each time slot for x groups.

    To make the appointment slots public to students in the course, click the Allow students to see who has signed up for time slots that are still available checkbox [2]. Selecting this option also allows students to see comments other students add to their appointments.

    If you want to limit the number of appointments available, click the Limit participants to attend [number] appointment(s) checkbox [3].

    Note: When using the group signup option, only one group member needs to sign up for a time slot on behalf of their group. Each member in the group will see the appointment on their own group calendar.

    Add Appointment Details

    Add Appointment Details

    If you want to add details about the appointment group, type them in the details field.

    Publish Appointment Group

    Publish Appointment Group

    Click Publish button.

    View Calendar

    View Calendar

    View the appointment dates and times in your course calendar. Time slots that have been reserved by students will show as a solid color.

    Note: If you added an appointment group to more than one course, appointment slots only display in the calendar for the first course shown in the appointment group.


    • In GLOW, you have your calendar and course calendars (your calendar really only provides a view into course calendars and the tools to work with course calendars).
    • Before creating an Appointment Group, remember to select the course calendars you want to see in your calendar (click Calendar from left navigation toolbar, and the select from the list on the right side)
    • In the Appointment Group editor, remember to select the course calendar(s) to which the Appointment Group will belong (this step depends on the step above - you cannot create an Appointment Group outside of a course)
    • In the Appointment Group editor, remember to click the Go button once you’ve set your date, time range, and slot interval (otherwise the slots won’t be created).
  • In Global Navigation, click the Calendar link.

    Find Appointment

    Find Appointment

    In the Calendar sidebar, click the Find Appointment button.

    Select Course

    Select Course

    If a course includes an appointment, the name of the course displays in the Course drop-down menu. Select the course where you want to look for an appointment [1], then click the Submit button [2].

    View Appointments

    View Appointments

    View the appointments available for the course. Faded time slots indicate the time slot has been reserved.

    Read More.

Google Calendar

  • A new Appointment Schedule feature in Google Calendar allows you to share your availability via a booking page. It also includes automatic conflict detection with existing Calendar events to help reduce time spent finding and rescheduling appointments.

    Google Appointment Schedule Booking Page

    How to turn appointment schedules on or off

    In Calendar Settings, you can switch between the old appointment slots and the new appointment schedules at any time.

    Any previously created slots or schedules remain active and available whether appointment schedules are turned on or off. For the early access period, old appointment slots and new appointment schedules co-exist on your calendar.

    1. On a computer, open Google Calendar.
    2. Go to Settings [gear icon] and then General and then Appointment schedules.
    3. To turn on Appointment schedules, check the box next to “Create appointment schedules instead of appointment slots.”
    4. To turn off Appointment schedules, uncheck the box.

    Google Appointment Schedule animated gif how to

    For more information, see this page.

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