Network Device Registration

Most wireless devices such as computers, smartphones and tablets can connect to Eduroam.  If you have one of those devices you can follow our guide to get connected: . If you have a device that will not connect to Eduroam such as a smart TV, gaming system, or other IoT devices, you can use the ‘Device Registration’ link on the Williams Wi-Fi Portal to get your device connected. We do not recommend that you set up your printer for wireless.  For printers a direct USB connection to your computer is more secure.

This link will help you find your MAC addressThe MAC (aka Medium Access Control) address of your device is required for registration.

To register a device use a computer, smart phone or tablet to connect to the Williams Wi-Fi Portal (from your list of available Wi-Fi networks Choose: Williams-College). From the portal options choose ‘Device Registration‘. On the next screen enter your Williams username (Ex. abc1) and password and select Log In.

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You will be redirected to a page to register your device.  Select create. You should now see a form to provide information on the device you would like to register. Enter the devices MAC address in the MAC Address field. For help finding your device’s MAC Address see:  . In the Device Nickname field, input anything to help you identify the device. Be sure to accept the Terms of Use, and select Create to finalize the registration of your device.

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Once submitted you will be given a Multi Pre-Shared Key (MPSK) Password.  Make a note of that password as you will need to enter it shortly. Now go to the device you just registered and join the Wireless network W-Devices. When prompted provide the password you were given. That should connect that device to our Wi-Fi.

Later if you would like to share your device with other Williams users you can add them in the Shared with section, after clicking on Manage Devices.


If you need any additional help please contact OIT Student support by phone: 413-597-3088 or email: [email protected].