I just set up my Mac or PC but there aren’t any printers listed when I try to print.
You are able to easily add printers yourself see: http://oit.williams.edu/help-docs/how-to-add-a-printer/
I just tried to print, but nothing comes out of the printer.
Make sure you are logged into the PaperCut client. Look for the PaperCut icon near your clock on the taskbar. If you right+click the PC-Client icon on the Taskbar (Ctrl+click on a Mac) and it shows “unauthenticated $500” then you are not logged in.
Choose the login as option and use your Williams username and network/email password. Once you are logged in and you send a job you should notice the PaperCut balance decrease by some number of cents. That indicates your job was sent to the print server. The job should start printing.
I do not see the PaperCut icon on my taskbar.
If you are using macOS look in your application folder for PCClient and launch it. If you are using Windows click the start button and look though you app list for PaperCut Client. Once it is running follow the directions above to log in.
The printer release station doesn’t display any of the documents that I sent to the printer.
This usually happens because the last person to use the release station didn’t log out. Go ahead and log them out, and try sending the print job again, logged in as yourself.
I printed a PDF file and it’s printing VERY slowly.
All PDFs are not created equal. If you’re running Adobe’s Acrobat Reader or Acrobat Professional, choose
File -> Print and select the Advanced button and choose the Print as Image option.
When possible, on a Mac, use Preview.
If you require further assistance please place a ticket with our client services team via Email: [email protected] or Phone: 413.597.4090