Media Production & Event Support

Using Seminar/Classroom Media

Almost all seminar rooms, classrooms, and teaching labs offer projection systems that instructors may connect to with a laptop or tablet to show slides, videos, or virtual conferencing (an HDMI cable with miniport adaptor is provided). NOTE: If you will need to use other media (VHS, DVD, etc.), then these… Continue reading »

Converting Analog Materials to Digital

The movement from analog to digital information communications and storage in the 21st Century only started ~20 years ago, and yet there is still so much analog history that remains invisible to the digital realm. To convey historical records of significance from analog (physical materials) to digital (1s & 0s),… Continue reading »

What kind of Document Camera should I use?

A document camera (a.k.a. ‘doc cam’) is a more modern version of an overhead projector. It’s useful for writing or diagramming about a topic, but also for the demonstration of a practice or technique. Although a standard webcam could also be used for this, a webcam may not… Continue reading »

Video/Audio Conversion & Duplication

There are many online companies that provide media conversion services (sorry, ATS cannot recommend a specific company). Professional services are a good option if you are pressed for time, lack access to conversion technology, or your materials require special handling. These companies offer varying services based on media types, specialized… Continue reading »

Academic Event Support

Academic Technology Services offers planning and media consultation in support of streaming and/or recording presenters and guest speakers. Venue, anticipated attendance, and presenter/audience engagement are just some of the considerations essential to leveraging an appropriate technology solution. Event Planning & Consultation Hosting an event depends more on the practices… Continue reading »