Williams College provides employees (faculty and staff) and students each with an email address.We use GMail (G Suite) as our email provider.
Email Address formats
Your email address is in the format [email protected]. That is the address you will use to log in.
STUDENTS: Note that once you graduate you can have the [email protected] address forwarded to a personal email address that you have set up apart from Williams. For more information see: https://alumni.williams.edu/articles/emf/
Accessing Email
New users initial account setup directions can be found here: https://oit.williams.edu/help-guides/accounts/williamsokta/
On computers OIT strongly recommends you access your Williams email using a browser as it provides the best user experience within Gmail. It also provides the best integration of Google Drive, Google Calendar and the rest of the G Suite. Google Chrome is recommended but any browser will work (examples: Safari, Edge, Firefox, etc.). Simply go to: http://email.williams.edu (which redirects you to a Google login page).
On mobile devices (smart phones and tablets) OIT recommends using the Gmail app. You can download the Gmail app in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store.
Gmail Setting
There are a few settings in the Williams Gmail web interface that you’ll want to review and/or change. Click each below for directions.
Email Clients on mobile devices
If you would like to set up an email client on your device click the appropriate directions below for your OS: