Creating A Google Form
*To edit the form at anytime, click on Edit questions
Create a Form (from Drive)
- Click NEW in the top left corner.
- Click More
- Select Google
- Your Google Form will now be
Naming your Google Form
- Click on the words Untitled Form
- Type your Title for your Form
Change the Theme
The theme is what the participants will view when clicking on the form to enter answers.
- Click Change Theme in the top left
- New Themes will appear in a pane to the right
- Scroll through the Themes by using the Scroll Bar
- Click on a Theme
Add a Description
Add a description to explain the purpose of the form, to provide specials directions, or other helpful information.
- Click on the words “Form Description” on the form
- Type a description for your Form
Create Form Questions
The first question will be created as a multiple choice question, as a default.
- Question Title-This is the question you wish to ask. Type the question in this
- Help Text-This is additional directions or clarification to your question that you can type in this space
- Question Type-Choose from 9 different types of questions from the drop down list:
- Paragraph Text
- Text
- Multiple Choice
- Checkboxes
- Choose from a List
- Scale
- Grid
- Date
- Time
*See Description of Question Types below.
- Answers-If the question needs a list of answers, for example multiple choice, type the answers next to the bullet points
- Required Question-Check the box to force the user to answer the question. Done-Click Done when completely finished with the questions.
Edit Form Questions
- Click the pencil icon in the top right corner
- Type and select your changes on the form
- Click Done
Duplicate the Question
- Click the double-page icon in the top right corner
- Click Done
Delete Question
- Click the trash can icon in the top right corner
- Question is deleted
Change the Order of the Question
- Hover your mouse over the question to be moved until the cross symbol appears
- Click on the left mouse button
- Drag the question to the new location
- Unclick the left mouse button to drop the question
Adding More Questions
In addition to the one question that is given, more questions can be added to the form. To add an item:
- Click Add Item button below the last question, or Click Insert in the top menu bar
- Select one of the following items: Text, Paragraph Text, Multiple Choice, Checkboxes, Choose From a list, Scale, Grid, Date, and Time.
- Type answer choices if
Inserting Images
Pictures can be inserted before or after a question. This is useful for quizzes to show for example, maps, charts, graphs or images related to the question.
- Click the Add Item button or Click Insert in the top menu
- Select Image and the image window will open providing options:
- Upload-Browse the hard drive of the computer to locate and upload an image
- Take a snapshot-Use this option if a webcam is connected to the computer. Take a picture with the webcam and
- By Url-Paste the web address of an image that exists
- Your Albums-Browse albums and insert any image
- Search-Search for images from the following online sources:
- Google Drive-A search on Google images for public-domain pictures
- Stock Images-High Quality ClipArt Images
- Once the image is inserted into the Form, it can be moved to any location on the form.
Inserting Videos
YouTube Videos can be inserted into a form either before or after a question, or at any location on the form. This can be used for example in quizzes when the user needs to watch a video and then answer questions about the video.
To Add a Video:
- Click Add Item button or Click Insert in the top menu
- Select Video from the drop-down
- The Insert Video Window will open to allow searches for a YouTube Video or to paste in the video
- Click Select to select the video to add it to the form.
- Once the video is inserted on the Form, it can be moved to any location on the
Description of Question Types
Nine different types of questions exist to add to a form
- Text Type – Type in the question, and the user gets a one-line text box to enter their response Good for one or two word exact answers
- Paragraph Type – Type in the question and the user gets a multi-line text box for their response Good for open-ended or essay type
- Multiple-Choice – Type in the question, then enter in as many options as you wish for the answer choices Choose to add Other option where the user will be allowed to add and choose a write-in choice for your list. Good for one exact answer
- Checkboxes – Type in the question, then enter in as many options as you wish for the answer choices. Choose to add Other option where the user will be allowed to add and choose a write-in choice for your list. Good for more than one answer as the user can check as many choices as he/she
- List – Type in the question, then enter in as many options as you wish for the answer choices. Note: The Other option does not exist for List type as it does for multiple choice and checkboxes. Good for one exact answer
- Scale – Type in your question. Enter the starting point (0 or 1) and the ending point (up to 10) for your scale Option: Labels for the endpoints can be entered such as “Disagree” and “Agree” or “Lowest Ranking” and “Highest Ranking”. Good for providing the user a scale of values on which to place their
- Grid – Type in your question or overall directions that will apply to each question in the grid. Choose how many columns wanted in the grid (1 to 5), and provide descriptive labels for each column. Choose how many rows wanted in the grid, and enter a question or statement for each. Good for when the user completed the question, he/she will be presented with a grid of rows and columns and will need to click a single cell to place their response for each
- Date – Select questions pertaining to the date. Options: Include or don’t include the
Include the time or don’t include the time. The user will choose a date from a drop-down box or with up/down arrows.
- Time – Select either the time of day format or duration format with hours, minutes, and
seconds. The user will choose the time or duration using drop-down menus and up/down arrows.