Services that use your Williams Network Account Username & Password
Some logins use your email address (e.g. [email protected], xsmith@williams) while some just use the username (xyz5 or xsmith)
These services all utilize your normal email password
- Email or Google login: [email protected]
- Eduroam wireless network: [email protected]
- Your PC computer: username
- Printing (PaperCut): username
- Microsoft File Services (F, G drives) Active Directory: username
- PeopleSoft (sarah, ephr, finance): username and email password (note you NO LONGER USE the W## and separate password)
- GLOW: username
- OIT software downloads: username
- (online training): username
- Faculty/staff benefits (bswift): username
- Williams Wiki restricted pages: username
- Remote Access To Library Databases (the proxy server): username
- VPN (virtual private network): username
- WordPress web sites: username
- Room Scheduler (EMS): username
- GET App: username
Services that use a different password
- LISTSERV (at login screen there is a link to create the password): [email protected]
- PC computers with a local account like “timeclock” or “HRfrontdesk”
- Your Mac computer local account
- Encryption on local devices like TimeMachine backup drives
User Naming Scheme
- Accounts created after the summer of 2007 (starting from Class ’11) use the initials plus a number,
e.g. Ephraim X. Williams could be exw1 - Accounts created before the summer of 2007 – Faculty & Staff accounts use the first initial followed by the first 7 letters of the last name (if your last name is more than 7 characters long)
e.g. for Ephraim Williams could be ewilliam. Student accounts used the class year followed by initials, e.g. 09abc.
Changing your Williams account password
See our directions here:
Changing your local account password
All macOS computers have a local account. This local account password is needed to log in to and install software on your Mac computer. These passwords are not linked to your Williams account password directly. We do recommend you change the password from the initial one given to you by OIT to match your Williams Account password.