Managing Your Gradebook


The Gradebook helps instructors view and enter grades for students. Grades for each assignment can be viewed as points, percentage, complete or incomplete, or letter grades.

GLOW Gradebook Screenshot

  1.  Sorting options and Gradebook Settings
  2. Students name column
  3. Grades
  4. Keyboard shortcut menu

Only graded items (Assignments, Discussions and Quizzes) that have been published will display in the Gradebook. “Not Graded” Assignments will NOT show up.

In order for a column to appear in the Gradebook (including items with no submission such as participation), a corresponding graded item needs to be created on the Assignments index page. You cannot manually create a new column in the Gradebook itself.

Grade Posting Policy

By default, the Gradebook is set to the “Automatic” grade posting policy.

There are two types of grade posting policies that you can select:

  • Automatically Post Grades – Make the grades available to individual students immediately. As soon as a submission is graded, the grade is released and the student may see the grade.
  • Manually Post Grades – Hide the grades until the instructor is ready to release them. Instructors must manually post the grades for each assignment. They can also choose to release grades to certain students or sections. Grades that have already been posted prior to changing to this posting policy will remain visible unless manually hidden again.

GLOW Grade Posting Policy

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