How do I merge multiple sections into a single section?

At Williams, a GLOW (Canvas) course typically contains only one Section (defined student enrollment) per course based on the course schedule. Typically, this is to accommodate courses with large enrollments where lectures, labs, or other course sessions have been scheduled to occur during different dates or times.

However, faculty who are Teachers in multiple sections have the ability to combine, or “cross-list”, those course Sections into a single GLOW course. For example, if a faculty is teaching 25F-PHIL-100-01 and 25F-PHIL-100-02, and the course content and assignments are identical for each, they can save labor by cross-listing the two Sections into a single GLOW course, then building and maintaining the course content only once.

N.B.: Even when Sections have been cross-listed into the same GLOW course, faculty maintain fine-grained abilities to differentiate between Sections – for example, by assigning different due dates for the same assignment, or by sending Section-specific Announcements. Your department’s Academic Technology Consultant can be an excellent partner in implementing your specific pedagogical designs in the GLOW environment.

  • In the course whose Section you wish to move, navigate Settings > Sections, then click the blue, hyperlinked Section title to select it. Click the Cross-List this Section button on the right-side menu, then use the Cross-List Section dialogue box to select the "destination" course. Once you've selected your target course, click the blue Cross-List This Section button. Once a success confirmation banner appears, the Section has been moved into the target GLOW course, alongside the Section which was originally there.

    the Cross-List Section dialogue box in GLOW (Canvas).
    Use the Cross-List Section dialogue box to choose the destination course.

    N.B.: This may seem counter-intuitive, but you must go to each course section and add it TO the desired course, rather than going into the desired course and adding FROM each course section. 

  • Once a course contains multiple Sections, faculty may wish to edit the course name, to prevent student confusion. (For example, students who registered for 25F-PHIL-100-02 may assume an error if their course is titled 25F-PHIL-100-01.) Please contact your ATC or submit a ticket to request a name change.

  • Although most content may be identical for multiple Sections, faculty may still wish to differentiate some elements - common examples are assignment due dates, and announcements. Course elements which have a Post To or Assign To field (Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Quizzes) can be targeted to a specific Section rather than the entire course. Additionally, a single Assignment can have multiple availability and due dates, again assigned by Section.

    Discussion with different due dates for different sections.
    Many GLOW items can have different dates for different Sections in a cross-listed course.