GLOW Quizzes (faculty)


Quizzes in GLOW (Canvas) offer options for faculty to design quizzes, exams, and surveys. Quizzes can accommodate a range of question types, including some that can be auto-graded. Faculty can build questions manually, or import questions from publisher materials or another GLOW course. Quizzes can draw random questions from a test bank for each attempt, and can be timed or untimed. Faculty can manage students’ access to Quizzes and answer keys. GLOW provides faculty reports with statistical insights on student performance.

N.B.: Currently, GLOW offers 2 different Quiz engines: “New” Quizzes and “Classic” Quizzes (which will be phased out in 2024). When you use the +Quiz button to create a new Quiz in the Quizzes Index, you will be prompted to choose an engine. These different models do not provide identical features; we recommend speaking with your department’s Academic Technology Consultant to ensure that you are using the appropriate version to meet your current and future requirements. Depending on your specific needs, you may consider alternative tools provided by Williams, such as Google Forms.

A Note on Grading. As with Assignments and Discussions, faculty can view, provide feedback on, and grade Quizzes in the SpeedGrader. Unlike Assignments or Discussions, the total score of a Quiz is not a single, manually-entered value: instead, a Quiz score is the sum of its question point values. Thus, one cannot adjust the overall score of a Quiz, but must instead adjust individual questions’ point values.

dialog box with the choice of Classic or New Quiz engine
Ensure that your chosen Quiz engine meets your specific requirements.
  • When creating a "New" Quiz, faculty initially edit basic details and settings (e.g. instructions, point value, due date). To add questions and content, select Build to enter the building page.

    Question Types. There are 12 question types available in New Quizzes, as well as the option to associate multiple questions with shared stimulus content (e.g. a reading with multiple comprehension questions). Find detailed information about each New Quiz question type.

    • Multiple Choice
    • True/False
    • Fill-in-the-Blank
    • Multiple Answers
    • Numerical Answer
    • Formula
    • Essay
    • File Upload
    • Hot Spot
    • Matching
    • Ordering
    • Categorization

    Item Banks. Faculty can organize questions into Item Banks, which can be used to present a randomly-selected subset of questions on each attempt. Find detailed information about using Item Banks in a New Quiz.

    Accommodations & Access Management. Options for managing student access include shuffling, requiring an access code, restricting access to the answer key, setting a time limit, allowing multiple attempts, or providing an on-screen calculator. Find detailed information about New Quiz access management. Faculty can also provide accommodations, such as extra time or attempts, to support individual students. Find detailed information about accommodations in a New Quiz.

    Reports. New Quizzes provide on-screen reports. Please note that New Quizzes do not currently allow downloading data for analysis (e.g. a *.csv file). Find detailed information about on-screen reports for a New Quiz.

  • When creating a "Classic" Quiz, faculty edit basic details and settings (e.g. instructions, point value, due date) on the Details tab. Select the Questions tab to build individual questions or use questions from Question Banks.

    Question Types. There are 11 question types available in Classic Quizzes. Find detailed information about each Classic Quiz question type.

    • Multiple Choice
    • True/False
    • Fill-in-the-Blank
    • Fill-in-Multiple-Blanks
    • Multiple Answers
    • Multiple Drop-down (can be used for Likert scale)
    • Matching
    • Numerical Answer
    • Formula (simple formula and single variable)
    • Essay
    • File Upload

    Question Banks. Faculty can organize questions into Question Banks, which can be used to present a randomly-selected subset of questions on each attempt. Find detailed information about using Question Banks in a Classic Quiz.

    Accommodations & Access Management. Options for managing student access include shuffling, requiring an access code, restricting access to the answer key, setting a time limit, or allowing multiple attempts. Find detailed information about Classic Quiz access management. Faculty can also provide accommodations to support individual students, such as extra time or extra attempts.

    Reports. Classic Quizzes provide both downloadable and on-screen reports. Find detailed information about reports for a Classic Quiz.

  • GLOW provides a mechanism to migrate an existing Classic Quiz into the New format. When viewing a Classic Quiz on the Quizzes Index, select the Migrate option from the vertical ellipsis button menu to create a copy in the New Quiz format.