How do I create a prerecorded lecture in GLOW using Panopto?

This page will walk you through recording a session in Panopto, which is available in GLOW, for your course using a laptop computer.  (Panopto is GLOW’s Course Medial Gallery.)

Before Start Recording

  • Make sure that your Web camera and microphone are working
  • Login to GLOW and go to your course.


  • 1. Click "Course Media Gallery" link on the left.

    2. Click the "Create" button and choose "Record a new session".

    Create Button Panopto

    3. Click the "Launch Panopto" button. If your computer does not have the Panopto Recorder App installed, it will ask you to install it first. Please download the installer for your OS, and install the App to continue.

    Panopto Launch image

    The first time you launch the Recorder, it will show the window below.  If you check the box at the bottom to "Remember your choice...",  it will not display again.  To proceed, click “Open Link” to open the Recorder.

    Launch Panopto OK Window

    4.  Make sure that your course name appears for the "Folder".

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    By default, the name of the session is the date and time you record the session, but you can rename the session in the Session text box.

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    Primary Audio: Under Primary Sources, select the drop-down under Audio. Select a microphone that is connected to your computer. You must select a primary audio source for a successful recording.

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     Volume bar: After selecting your audio, test your audio by talking in a normal voice to test the volume. You should see a few green bars appear as you talk.

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    Primary Video Source (optional): You can select a primary video source under the Video drop-down to include yourself speaking . But you do not need to include this if you just want to record audio .

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    Quality Settings: In Panopto -> Preferences you will find the quality settings for both your primary and secondary video streams. These settings will help you determine what will be best to record a high-quality video. Please note: the list below applies to both Primary and Secondary Video Quality.

    Video Quality


    Frame Rate

    Bit Rate

    Basic (motion) 360x288 15 FPS 300 KBPS
    Basic (resolution) 1280x1024 4 FPS 340 KBPS
    Standard (motion) 720x576 30 FPS 600 KBPS
    Standard (resolution) 1280x1024 8 FPS 500 KBPS
    High (motion) 1280x600 30 FPS 1000 KBPS
    High (resolution) 1280x1024 12 FPS 750 KBPS
    Ultra (motion) 1280x720 30 FPS 1500 KBPS
    Ultra (resolution) 1920x1080 15 FPS 1500 KBPS

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    Additional Sources: You can also add up to two additional video sources here if you want to record your screen or an additional camera.

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     PowerPoint or Keynote:  You can choose to record PowerPoint or Keynote slides along with your video. After starting the recording, you must put your slides into presentation mode in order for them to be recorded. Note: If your PowerPoint contains any motion on the slide, animations, embedded video in the slide or someone is annotating over the slide, then screen capture must be selected to be able to capture that content.

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    Starting, Stopping, and Pausing

    You can now begin recording. Click on the red RECORD icon. Once your recording has started, that icon will change into PAUSE and STOP.

    User-added imageUser-added image

    Click STOP to stop the recording. You will have the option to upload the recording or delete it and start again.

    Click the PAUSE button to have a section of your recording automatically edited out. When the recording is paused, Panopto is continuing to record, but that section will be edited out of the final version. You can always get this content back by using the editor.

    Manage Recordings

    Once everything has been recorded and you have stopped your recording, you will be taken to the Manage Recordings window. 

     User-added image

    The Manage Recordings window displays the recordings stored on your computer as well as the processing status of your recording. You can also watch a preview of your video in the bottom right-hand corner, even while it is uploading. You may notice the following terms under the Status column:

    • Offline Recording is a recording that does not have a folder selected in Panopto, so it is only stored on your computer. You can select Upload to Server to select a folder and add them to your video library.
    • Uploaded - Processing is a recording that was just completed and is currently processing.
    • Completed is a recording that was already recorded, with a selected folder location, and uploaded to the server. If you have access to the video in the library, you can open the video settings using view, edit, or share. You can also continue recording to the same session by selecting resume. And if you need to make space on your computer, you can delete local files, provided they are no longer needed.

    Note: It is possible to delete recordings. If they have been uploaded already, you can delete the local copy and the recording will still be located on the server. If you delete a recording that has not yet been uploaded, that recording will be lost.

  • 1. Click "Course Media Gallery" link on the left.

    2. Click the "Create" button and choose "Record a new session".

    Create Button Panopto

    3. Click the "Launch Panopto" button. If your computer does not have the Panopto Recorder App installed, it will ask you to install it first. Please download the installer for your OS, and install the App to continue.

    Panopto Launch image

    The first time you launch the Recorder, it will show the window below.  If you check the box at the bottom to "Remember your choice...",  it will not display again.  To proceed, click “Open Link” to open the Recorder.

    Launch Panopto OK Window

    4. The first tour will go over the 3 steps to recording: (Fig. 3)

    • Step 1: Name your recording
    • Step 2: Choose your sources
    • Step 3: Start recording

    User-added image
    Figure 3

    The second tour will go over the Primary source settings: (Fig. 4)

    • Capture computer audio: Use this setting to capture audio from your PC applications
    • Audio volume: The color bar shows the volume of the audio being captured. Note: a user can use the slider to adjust the volume if the audio is too quiet or loud.

    User-added image
    Figure 4

    The third tour will go over the Secondary source settings: (Fig. 5)

    • Video resolution: Controls the size of the video that is captured.
    • Framerate: A higher number of frames per second (fps) captures results in a smoother motion.
    • Bitrate: Controls the file size of the resulting video. Note: larger files are able to capture more detail.

    User-added image
    Figure 5

    You can skip the tours and always go back and click on the blue info buttons, located next to Primary SourcesSession Settings, and to the far right of the Resolution toolbar to get the tours again (Fig. 6).

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     Figure 6

    5. Recording Folder and Session Name

    Under Session Settings, select the drop-down arrow to select the folder where your recording will be saved (Fig. 7).

    User-added image
    Figure 7

    Users can name their video here under Session Settings. If unnamed by the user, Panopto will automatically assign the date and time the video was recorded as its name (Fig. 8).

    User-added image
    Figure 8

    6. Primary Input

    Primary Audio: Under Primary Sources, select the Audio drop-down menu. Select your preferred, connected microphone. For a successful recording, a primary audio source must be selected (Fig. 9).

    User-added image
    Figure 9

    Volume bar: After selecting your audio source, test your audio volume by talking in a normal voice. As you talk, a few green bars should appear. If the green bars don't appear, or if the red and yellow bars are highlighted, adjust the volume by using the slider located to the right of the bars (Fig. 10).

    User-added image
    Figure 10

    Primary Video Source: To record video of a presenter, select a primary video source from the Video drop-down menu (Fig. 11). Note: select None if you only want to record a presenter's audio.

    User-added image
    Figure 11

    Quality Setting: There are three different quality settings available to help you record a high-quality video (Fig. 12). To learn more about capture resolutions for Windows, visit Learn about Panopto for Windows Capture Resolutions

    Standard Quality:
    Audio Only - 64 kbps
    Primary Video Resolution - Up to 640x480
    Primary Video and Audio - 600 kbps
    Primary Video, Audio, and Secondary Video (640x480, 10 FPS, 340 kbps) - 1240 kbps

    High Quality:
    Audio Only - 96 kbps
    Primary Video Resolution - Up to 1024x600
    Primary Video and Audio - 1000 kbps
    Primary Video, Audio, and Secondary Video (1024x768, 15 FPS, 1000 kbps) - 3031 kbps

    Ultra Quality:

    Audio Only - 128 kbps
    Primary Video Resolution - Up to 1280x800 (typically 720p)
    Primary Video and Audio - 1500 kbps 

    Secondary Video (1920x1080, 19 FPS, 1500 kbps) - 4664 kbps

    Note: Higher resolutions (1080p) are available when using the custom quality options. Enable custom quality settings under Settings > Advanced Settings; then, select the desired options from the quality menu.

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    Figure 12

    Custom Quality Setting: To control your own quality settings, visit How to Specify Custom Primary Stream Quality Settings Using Panopto for Windows.

    7. Screen Capture, Additional Video, and PowerPoint

    Screen Capture: After you have selected your video and audio inputs, you can choose to capture what is displayed on your screen. To preview your screen before recording, select the checkbox Enable screen capture preview (Fig. 13).

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    Figure 13

    If you have more than one camera plugged into your computer, you can add an additional video source(s) under Secondary Sources (Fig. 14).

    User-added image
    Figure 14

    To adjust screen capture resolution, select the Resolution drop-down menu (Fig. 15). Note: If you select a smaller resolution, items on the screen will appear larger in the final recording.

    User-added image
    Figure 15

    You can also adjust the fps (frames per second) by dragging the sliders (Fig. 16). If there is a lot of movement on the screen, an fps of 15 is recommended.  For showing a video during screen capture, an fps of 30 is recommended. Note: a secondary video may appear choppy without a high enough fps selected.

    User-added image
    Figure 16

    The kbps (kilobytes per second) will adjust automatically based on the settings for resolution and fps (Fig. 17).

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    Figure 17

    Select Apply to save changes.

    PowerPoint: A presenter may include a PowerPoint presentation. Note: If the PowerPoint contains any motion on the slide, an embedded video in the slide, or someone annotating over the slide, then screen capture must be selected in order to capture that content (Fig. 18).

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    Figure 18

    You can also open a presentation from the recorder. Select the PowerPoint tab in the secondary sources viewer, then select Open a Presentation to launch PowerPoint (Fig. 19).

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    Figure 19

    If you want to have the PowerPoint launch as soon as you select Record, select the checkbox Start presenting when recording starts, located in the PowerPoint tab on the Secondary Sources viewer screen (Fig. 20).  Note: In order to properly record PowerPoint presentations, after you have launched PowerPoint, you must have it in full-screen presentation mode.

    User-added image
    Figure 20

    8. Starting, Stopping, and Pausing

    You can now begin recording. Select the Record icon (Fig. 21). Once your recording has started, the Record icon will change into Stop and Pause (Fig. 22).

    User-added image
    Figure 21

    User-added image
    Figure 22

    When you are done recording, select Stop. You will have the option to either upload the recording or delete it and start again.

    To have a section of your recording automatically edited out, select Pause. When the recording is paused, Panopto will continue to record, but that section will be edited out of the final version. You can always get this content back by using the editor.

    Hotkeys: You can use Panopto for Windows hotkeys to record, pause and stop, so you don't need to minimize the content you're recording to select the buttons.

    • Record: F8 Key
    • Pause: F9 Key
    • Stop: F10 Key

    9. Recording Status

    Once you have stopped recording, you will be taken to the Manage Recordings tab in the Recorder (Fig. 23).

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    Figure 23

    Offline Recordings do not have a folder selected in Panopto, so they are only stored to your computer. You can select Upload to Server to select a folder and add the video to your library.

    Currently Uploading Recordings will show the video that was just recorded and its upload status.

    Uploaded Recordings will show previous recordings and their assigned folder. If you have access to the video in the library, you can open the video or settings using ViewEdit, or Share. You can also continue recording to the same session by selecting Resume.

    Note: if you need to make space on your computer, you can select Delete Local, as long as you no longer need the recording to be stored on your computerIf you delete a recording that has not yet been uploaded to the server, that recording will be lost.

    10. Warnings

    There are two different warnings that may appear while you are recording: low audio and low disk space. These notifications are to help you resolve the problem so you can go back to recording a high quality video. For example, if your audio isn't working properly, you will see a banner at the top of the recorder (Fig. 24) and a pop-up on the desktop (Fig.25). 

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    Figure 24

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    Figure 25