GLOW Wrapper with Google (faculty)


Many faculty use assessment wrappers as a simple but effective tool to center metacognition and reflection. This technique can encourage students to change their study approach for the next course assessment. Implementing an exam wrapper as a New Quiz containing a Google Form provides great flexibility for faculty, enabling fine-grained control over factors like scoring and anonymity.

As always, your department’s Academic Technology Consultant can be an excellent partner in implementing your specific pedagogical designs using GLOW and Google tools.

  • Each tool offers specific, non-overlapping benefits: using both gives faculty the best of both.

    The GLOW New Quiz provides the following benefits:

    • automatically awards points to students upon completion of survey.
    • fully integrated into existing Gradebook, percentage weights, etc.
    • obscures student identities to reduce bias.

    N.B.: In small classes, or classes with low response rates, true anonymity may be challenging or impossible to maintain. You may wish to consult with the Rice Center for Teaching to strategize for such situations.

    The Google Form provides the following benefits:

    • permits anonymous but verified submission.
    • offers richer options/experience to students.
    • provides superior data and visualization to faculty.
  • At, create a form with the questions you want students to answer. In the Form's Settings > Responses section, enable anonymous-but-verified submission with the following options:

    • Collect email addresses: Do not collect
    • Send responders a copy: Off
    • Restrict to users in Williams College: On
    • Limit to 1 response: On

    When you have completed the Form, use the Send button, and in the pop-up window, select the pointy-brackets tab <> and copy the "Embed HTML" code. This is what you will paste into the GLOW New Quiz.

    1. In your GLOW course, create a New Quiz, giving it any point-value and due date. In the Quiz settings, be sure to tick the check-box "Graders cannot view student names" to enhance student anonymity.
    2. Click "Build", and create a "Fill in the Blank" type question.
    3. Below the Question Stem text field, click the </> icon to switch the field to HTML, then paste the Google Form code from Step 1. This embeds the Google Form in the New Quiz question field.
    4. Switch back to 'regular' view, and add an arbitrary 'answer' in the text field following the formatting instructions. This is what students will enter in GLOW to signal that they have completed the Google Form, and thus earn the points in GLOW.
    5. Save and publish the Quiz.