OIT help request system (ticket.williams.edu) will require Okta

In order consolodate and reduce logins, ticket.williams.edu will be joined to Okta. If you have not already, please sign up for Okta soon. As always you can email us at [email protected] or call x4090 for help.

Other college systems will gradually be added to the Okta environment.  This means that these services will be available to you via one login and be more secure as well.

Web Help Desk (ticket.williams.edu) will be added on Monday night the 23rd.

What is Okta?  Okta is a multi-factor authentication system, like the one we are using now for Google logins.  Many of you were getting texts to your phones.  Okta instead uses an app on your phone which allows for push notification as well as biometrics, so you can login using facial recognition or a thumb print for convenience.

Over 70% of faculty, staff and students are already using Okta.   Sign up or find out more:  https://oit.williams.edu/help-guides/accounts/williamsokta/#existing-williams-user