New Cisco VPN version coming soon - check your Mac OS for compatibility

To keep you and the college secure, OIT needs to update our Cisco VPN system.  VPN is used to connect securely to some college resources.

Please be aware that new versions of the VPN require that Mac computers be running a “supported” operating system version.  The supported part is determined by Apple.  Supported OS’s are OS12, 13, 14 named Monterey, Ventura and Sonoma.

You can check to see if your college or home computer meets that requirement.  From the Apple menu in the upper-left corner of your screen, choose About This Mac. The macOS name will followed by its version number.   If you see High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina or Big Sur then the recommendation is that you run updates, not only to be compatible with our VPN but for general security.

It may also be the case that you no longer need to use VPN on this computer.  Most college services are available without it.  Check with OIT if you’d like to find out or need help with an update.  Email [email protected]

Updating MacOS:

  • First back up important files – college computers should have a  Time Machine backup.
  • Go to the Apple Menu at the top left of your screen, then choose System Preferences.
  • Click the Software Update icon.
  • Click the Upgrade Now button. You may be presented with either Monterey, Ventura or Sonoma.  Any are fine.  The upgrade process can take a while, like 30-40 minutes, so plan accordingly.