Enrolling/Removing Students, TAs & Auditors to/from Your Course
Officially registered students are automatically enrolled into your corresponding Glow course and you do not need to add any students. However, you can invite other students to join your course via People link.
Use username or Williams email addresses to find the student in the system .
There are six predefined roles:
- Teacher: Teacher can add content items, grade students, add users and change some course default settings.
- TA: TA has almost the same rights as a Teacher, but can NOT view nor edit grades.
- Grading TA: Special TA who has access to the Gradebook, Assignments, and Discussions, but NO editing rights.
- Grader-Homework: Special TA who only have access to the Gradebook and Assignments. NO editing rights.
- Student: That’s self-explanatory, they generally have fewer privileges within a course.
- Designer: By default, the Designer cannot edit grades, nor add/remove users. They can edit course content. Generally speaking, the Designer Role is best suited for the instructional designers or curriculum writers who write and manage course content.
- Observer: The Observer role can be used to enroll auditors and guests who would like to participate in a Glow course but do not need to earn course credit. Observers have limited permissions that allow them to see what is going on in a course without interrupting the flow of daily course communication.
People & Roles
- How to use the People page
- GLOW Face Book
- Adding and removing participants
- Different TA roles
- Adding non-Williams auditors
Sections & Groups
Sections in GLOW are used to segment the people in a class. By using them, instructors can differentiate Assignment and Quiz due dates. When there are multiple sections within a course, it is possible to assign TAs or graders to specific sections. This will prevent them from seeing any student work outside of the section. Also, with sections, you can filter the Gradebook by section as well as SpeedGrader when grading student work. Groups, on the other hand, are used as a collaborative tool for students to work on group projects and group assignments.
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