At Williams, do you create or maintain records of the college? Records of the college are defined as any document (paper or electronic) created or received by offices or employees that allows them to conduct business (examples: correspondence, forms, committee minutes, budgets, and policy or procedural statements). If yes, please review this checklist with your supervisor.
1. Has your supervisor or chair met with you to discuss what records need to be retained in accordance to your unit’s records retention schedule and the College’s general records retention schedule? In particular, this includes guidelines regarding records that contain sensitive or confidential information. Examples of sensitive and confidential information include: student records, medical records, personnel records, committee minutes and reports, and trustees minutes.
2. Have you ensured that all records of the college (as detailed in your unit’s records retention schedule or the College’s general records retention schedule) in your possession- particularly any records saved in Google Drive, your email account, shared network storage or desktop are stored in a Google Shared Drive or shared with the records manager and will be available to relevant staff after you leave?
Records of the college are defined in the general records retention schedule addendum to the official college records policy as “any documents or copies thereof made or received, by any academic department, administrative office, program, or committee of Williams College in connection with the transaction of College business, and retained by such office as evidence of the activities and functions of the College or because of the information contained therein. Examples: written text, printed, and digital, books, drawings, maps, plans, photographs, microforms, motion picture films, sound and video recordings, digital data on disk or tape.”
3. Have you identified any records relating to audits or legal proceedings?
4. Are there records in your care that are subject to litigation holds?
5. Have you returned any inactive paper records you accessed to the records manager for storage?
6. Have you worked with the records manager to arrange confidential disposal of digital and/ or physical records in accordance with your unit’s records retention schedule or the College’s general records retention schedule?