Voicemail: Message Checking

Voicemail Shortcuts

More voicemail commands

Checking voicemail from a computer

  • You can receive an email notification when a voicemail is left on your extension.  There are two different types of email you can receive, html & smtp.  Here are examples of both:

    HTML (click image to enlarge)

    html notification

    SMTP/EMAIL (click image to enlarge)

    smtp notification

    To enable either notification, login to https://vmail.williams.edu (using Firefox or Chrome on the PC and Safari or Firefox on the Mac).  Click on Message Assistant, from the menus at the top, select Notification Devices - click View Notification Devices.  The next screen is where you will enable the notification of your choice by clicking the Enabled box and then hitting Save at the bottom of the page. You can select both HTML and SMTP if you want to try each of them.  You can go back in anytime to deselect the notification you no longer wish to receive them.

    If you have any questions, please contact the Faculty Staff Support Desk at 413-597-4090 or email [email protected].

  • You can check your voicemail messages from a few different browsers although some modifications may be needed depending on the browser you use.  You will need to login to vmail.williams.edu and go to your Web Inbox. Select your operating system below for more details.

    • Chrome

      • Control-click on message.wav (or right click if you have a two button mouse), choose Open Link in New Tab
      • Click on the new tab & the message will start playing


      • Click on the triangle play button to the right & the message will start playing


      • Playing directly from the web browser will not work but you can download it and play it in iTunes

    • Firefox

      • Click on the triangle play button & works without modification


      • Control-click on message.wav & choose Open Link in New Tab
      • Click on new tab & the message will play

    • Chrome

      • Control-click on message.wav & choose Open Link in New Tab
      • Click on new tab & the message will play

      Microsoft Edge

      • Control-click on message.wav, Choose Open Link in New Tab
      • Click on new tab & the message will play

      Internet Explorer

      • Control-click on message.wav & choose Open Link in New Tab
      • Wav file will automatically download & play in Groove

Checking voicemail from off campus

  • Call the Voicemail system at 413-597-4000
  • This will say Welcome to Cisco Unity system, to get to your voicemail enter * and your extension followed by #
  • Then enter your voicemail pin followed by # to access your voicemail

Checking voicemail from an alternate phone

  • In the Voicemail portal you can set up alternate numbers so when you call from those numbers the voicemail system will prompt your for your PIN (just like when you call voicemail from your desk phone).
  • Visit the Voicemail portal at: https://vmail.williams.edu
  • Logon with your normal username and password (do NOT include @williams.edu in your username).
  • Choose Messaging Assistant
  • Look for the section “Alternate Devices”, click Add row and enter the phone number your want to register. (Enter the full number 4135551234, do not include a 1 in front of the number)
  • Click Save
  • Now when you call from that number you will be prompted for your voicemail pin

Updated 4/14/20 by Terri-Lynn Hurley